Why Minister In Europe?

The 40/70 Window describes an area of the world located between 40 and 70 degrees north of the equator that is increasing post-Christian and post-modern. The reality of a saving Gospel has all but vanished from the European continent. Europe is the continent with the lowest percentage of evangelical Christians. The only people going to the famous churches Europe is known for is tourists. Europeans generally do not see the need for a savior. They are largely post Christian and apathetic. Many Europeans might identify as ‘Christian,” but often this is just a cultural designation as many of these Europeans view their religion as something that is unimportant. Many Europeans have never read the Bible and do not know any true Christians. Consider this question (taken from the book “The Fake Commission” ) Would we still need missions if one day the world had?

  • Clean water for all
  • Healthy food for all
  • Excellent housing for all
  • The finest health care for all
  • The best education for all
  • Social justice for all
  • No slavery
  • Every person possessed a large bank account; and retirement fund
While Europe has great wealth, and several countries have a higher standard of living even than the United States, there is an underlying sense of hopelessness that comes from not having a relationship with Christ.